Cahtlines Provider

Top Gay Chatline Numbers



For members of the Gay community who are looking to fulfil their flirtatious or romantic hidden desires, TangoPersonals is one of the genuine phone chat and dating line for them. Callers can freely participate in flirtatious, casual, or romantic chats on chat line without concern because of its strong security measures. Because it guarantees each caller’s chat is confidential, people have deeper talks. Callers may see the features and benefits of the free trial in advance. Thus, keep digging deep and relishing thrilling phone calls with the most suitable match for you, depending on your tastes.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 60 Minutes$29.99
  • 40 Minutes $10.50
  • 10 Minutes $4.99
Free Trial: 30-Min

RedHot Dateline


RedHot Dateline is one of the sexiest chat line for Gay men who like fantasizing about dating over the phone. It is well-known for providing erotic daters with seductive likings where they may engage in the sexiest phone conversations all day long. Enjoy a sensual encounter that will let loose your most passionate and intense sexual dating wishes. This is the ideal phone dating line to use if you’re one of those callers who wants to have a sensual exciting conversation. In actuality, this will provide you with the most delightful phone dating experience you’ve ever had.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 60 Minutes$29.99
  • 40 Minutes $9.99
  • 10 Minutes $4.99
Free Trial: 30-Min



One of the well-known phone dating line that helps Black Gay men have fulfilling chats with attractive callers is Vibeline. Callers of African American descent are reported to be encouraged by the phone chat line to converse with those who have a lighthearted demeanour. Making contact with this community’s qualified callers is simple, quick, and hassle-free. This is the ideal dating line for those seeking casual, passionate, or committed partnerships.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 120 Minutes: $29.99
  • 60 Minutes: $9.99
  • 10 Minutes: $4.99
Free Trial: 30-Min



FonoChat is a reputable phone dating line for Latinos who are searching for innovative and enjoyable ways to meet other Latin Gay singles. Its solid basis could have resulted from the faith that callers have placed in it throughout time. Thus, you can rely on the chat line to put you in touch with thousands of local Latin men who could be available if you’re feeling wicked tonight.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 120 Minutes: $29.99
  • 60 Minutes: $9.99
  • 10 Minutes: $4.99
Free Trial: 30-Min



Popular phone chat line Livelinks connects Gay men in the neighborhood with matched singles who are searching for casual dates and meaningful chats. Most men in the USA now rely on it because of its sincere commitment to providing real dating options. If this is your first time calling, take advantage of the free trial offer to know more about the chatline. Make connections with compatible local Gay guys who share your dating preferences. At the greatest chatline, have sultry, passionate, and private phone conversations with the most desirable single men near you.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 120 Minutes: $29.99
  • 60 Minutes: $9.99
  • 10 Minutes: $4.99
Free Trial: 30-Min

Interactive Male


Diverse elements are essential to any Gay phone dating experience, and this is where Interactive Male shines in your dating endeavors. It’s one of the well-known and genuine phone dating line for Gay singles, allowing them to have enjoyable chats by putting a unique spin on it. Discover a fantastic dating community that would appeal to any interested guy. Locate engaging, attractive Gay chat partners with whom you may have a lot of fun having talks. Thus, this is the place to locate the ideal companion for romance, flirtation, and even serious partnerships if you want to liven up your dating life.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 90 Minutes $29.99
  • 64 Minutes $10.50
  • 10 Minutes $4.99
Free Trial: 60-Min

GuySpy Voice


GuySpy Voice is a special chat line for Gay and bisexual men with a young vibe and a thriving community. It is the greatest choice for men’s phone dating line because of its wide variety of phone-line services. This phone number is ideal for a range of phone conversations, such as flirtatious exchanges, nice discussions, informal chats, and a little bit of sleazy role-playing. Thanks to its highly regarded features, GuySpy Voice is one of the most sophisticated men’s chat line accessible in the phone dating industry.

After Trial Pricing:

  • 90 Minutes: $29.99
  • 64 Minutes: $10.50
  • 10 Minutes: $4.99
Free Trial: 30-Min